Day Three: Renovate or blog?
Okay, first things first. I've had several of my readers ask, "hey, if you've got time to have a blog for your renovation project, wouldn't that time be better spent actually working on the renovation project?" If my feeble muscles would work for an infinite number of hours, then I wouldn't have time for the blog. But hey, I'm not as buff as you all must think I am (not to say these guns can't do some damage, I just have limited ammunition). There's only so much that can be done in a day, which brings us to Day Three.

The demolition process continues. Opened up the south wall (photo above) and came across one of those surprises that makes you stop and think, "hmmm, this will make for a funny story on the ol' renovation blog, if I have time for it, of course, with all the renovating I'm doing." If you look closely at the 2x4s on the wall with the door, you might think they look a bit wide. Well, that's because when this wall was constructed, they put the 2x4s sideways. Why? I have no idea. For those of you who aren't that knowledgable about construction, the 2x4 is usually positioned so the wall is 4 inches thick, so we should be seeing the "thin" side from this angle shot. With a 4 inch wall, you can put in your junction boxes for outlets, run plumbing between the studs... any number of reasons. You can get a better view from the angle shot below.
So now I have to figure out if they make junction boxes that are really shallow (a 2x4 is actually 1 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches. I don't know why that is, but I'll bet one of you smart people who aren't responsible for a home renovation project AND a home renovation blog can probably find out online). And if they don't make junction boxes that depth, I'll need to put an additional 2x4 up against the existing ones so the wall is deep enough for all the counter-height outlet boxes that will go along this wall.
Besides this wall, I also tore out part of the ceiling, to allow for the sink vent pipe to get fed into an existing vent pipe.
I'm not sure I removed enough, but on the other hand I don't want to remove more than necessary. I'm already hesitant enough about how I'm going to hang drywall up on the ceiling... how about I do some cool plywood panel thing on the ceiling, and just tear down the rest while I'm at it? I'm sure I'll get some rousing support for this.
When all of this was said and done, the pile of debris now on the floor is pretty substantial. So tomorrow is a trip to the dump to empty the truck, and then loading the rest of this stuff into the truck. Then, the only demo left is the wall between the dining room and the kitchen, and the doorway from the kitchen to the basement. Unless of course I tear off the entire ceiling as well. Let me know by tomorrow night so I'll be prepared. After that, it's on to preparing the new bedroom (more on that tomorrow).
And finally, several of my loyal readers asked why I haven't set up the 2562 renovation xml feed. For those of you that asked, here you go:
It's also available in the sidebar under "Links." Enjoy!

The demolition process continues. Opened up the south wall (photo above) and came across one of those surprises that makes you stop and think, "hmmm, this will make for a funny story on the ol' renovation blog, if I have time for it, of course, with all the renovating I'm doing." If you look closely at the 2x4s on the wall with the door, you might think they look a bit wide. Well, that's because when this wall was constructed, they put the 2x4s sideways. Why? I have no idea. For those of you who aren't that knowledgable about construction, the 2x4 is usually positioned so the wall is 4 inches thick, so we should be seeing the "thin" side from this angle shot. With a 4 inch wall, you can put in your junction boxes for outlets, run plumbing between the studs... any number of reasons. You can get a better view from the angle shot below.

Besides this wall, I also tore out part of the ceiling, to allow for the sink vent pipe to get fed into an existing vent pipe.

When all of this was said and done, the pile of debris now on the floor is pretty substantial. So tomorrow is a trip to the dump to empty the truck, and then loading the rest of this stuff into the truck. Then, the only demo left is the wall between the dining room and the kitchen, and the doorway from the kitchen to the basement. Unless of course I tear off the entire ceiling as well. Let me know by tomorrow night so I'll be prepared. After that, it's on to preparing the new bedroom (more on that tomorrow).
And finally, several of my loyal readers asked why I haven't set up the 2562 renovation xml feed. For those of you that asked, here you go:
It's also available in the sidebar under "Links." Enjoy!
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