Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Side Yard

I know many of you have been waiting with great anticipation to see the side's what we started with...those are intertwined vines that have grown over an "arbor" which was (barely) attached to the house.

And here it is midway through the project, with the vines removed (3 dump trips later)...

Next we had to pull up the bricks (about 1000), demolish and haul away the "planters", and dig out the stumps from the vines. Finally, we built the retaining fence, re-did the back slope, and put down gravel. The plan is to (at some point) put plantings above the retaining wall and replace the fence. DO not expect that plan to be implemented anytime soon.

Thank goodness we finished before the rains came- it would have been quite a task to deal with it had it turned to mud...not that it was easy...watching the MR dig out those roots proved that.
But now it is - mostly- done. Hooray!


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