Day Seven: Plug in and tune out.
I wish. Today didn't go as well as hoped...
It started out well and good. The plumbers arrived, I have them the briefing, and they got to work. They use this stuff called "aquaflex" which is flexible tubing for water. Pretty cool. Anyway, here's what they did today.
(photo above) Where the new kitchen sink will go.
(photo above) Rerouting the water pipes to the master bath so they go above the header that will frame out the opening between the kitchen and dining room.
It started out well and good. The plumbers arrived, I have them the briefing, and they got to work. They use this stuff called "aquaflex" which is flexible tubing for water. Pretty cool. Anyway, here's what they did today.

So all of that was great (then again, I haven't tried the plumbing upstairs...). The problem came up when I started on the electrical. Well, first I framed in the south kitchen wall, the one with the 2x4s sideways (which will be a great segue into the next part, but first, the photo).
This part went fine. Then I ran the electrical cables. That took some work, as I had to drill holes through studs, the floor, and floor joists below to run the wire along the south wall (the one in the photo above). Then I hooked up a GFCI outlet on the first outlet in the run, which the refrigerator will plug into, then moved on to the plugs that are going to go on the south wall. Remember, I was so proud to find those shallow junction boxes because I thought it was going to save me so much time.
The boxes are so shallow I can't fit an outlet in them. I have no idea what these things must be for, maybe a phone cable or tv cable... 'cause an outlet won't fit. See the photo below for proof.
Would. Not. Fit. I tried coaxing. I tried pleading. I tried swearing. I tried just jamming it in and trying to screw it in place. It just won't fit. So now I need to see if they have a junction box that's a bit deeper, or I'm going to have to put 1x4s or 2x4s on this wall to give it enough depth for the outlets. Nothing is ever as easy as it should be.
On the plus side, the plumbers should be finished tomorrow. The contractor is coming over to see what supplies she needs to put in the header on Wednesday. And the new back door is getting installed tomorrow (a day early, who ever heard of such a thing?). Once that door is in, I can finish the wall for the bedroom, run the electrical, and get it inspected so I can start drywalling it. Then I'll be back to the kitchen, while the joint compound dries, so I can hopefully get all the electrical signed off before Saturday. That way I can hang all the drywall in the kitchen and it will be relatively safe for the kids when everyone arrives home. But I'm being optimistic.
And thanks to everyone for their comments and support. It definitely helps on days like today when things don't go exactly as planned. Someone even offered to bring over dinner for me (thanks Cynthia!). The rest of you could learn a thing or two. At least drop by with a beer.

The boxes are so shallow I can't fit an outlet in them. I have no idea what these things must be for, maybe a phone cable or tv cable... 'cause an outlet won't fit. See the photo below for proof.

On the plus side, the plumbers should be finished tomorrow. The contractor is coming over to see what supplies she needs to put in the header on Wednesday. And the new back door is getting installed tomorrow (a day early, who ever heard of such a thing?). Once that door is in, I can finish the wall for the bedroom, run the electrical, and get it inspected so I can start drywalling it. Then I'll be back to the kitchen, while the joint compound dries, so I can hopefully get all the electrical signed off before Saturday. That way I can hang all the drywall in the kitchen and it will be relatively safe for the kids when everyone arrives home. But I'm being optimistic.
And thanks to everyone for their comments and support. It definitely helps on days like today when things don't go exactly as planned. Someone even offered to bring over dinner for me (thanks Cynthia!). The rest of you could learn a thing or two. At least drop by with a beer.
The shallow box is made by the same company that gave you the left handed monkey wrench and the sky hook.
Don't you know, that is what duck tape is for. Just be sure to get the right color.
I (especially "I") am proud of your accomplishments thus far. Only 6 more month until the house goes on the market and you can start looking for a new "fixer upper"
HOT Cleveburg sends its best.
I was going to wait until this evening's post to mention what I found, but I can barely contain my excitement. There's a junction box that has a "sidecar," so the depth is shallow, and it extends to the side to handle the wiring. It's so sweet. I'll post a pic of it tonight when I continue on the electrical.
Egad and godzooks!!!
"Watson come quick!!"
Is there no end to the electrifying excitement. I can feel it in the air.
A sidecar, you say? Both a drink AND a solution to wiring issues. FANtastic.
First of all, WTF - why was I not invited to this blog??? It's taken me a half hour to catch up. Secondly, to those wondering why you spend time blogging and not renovating - Um, hello? Have you seen the state of affairs at 2562? Do you not know the man's wife and children are thousands of miles away from him? That he must also contend with his career and secretly keep his hair just so in this time of great upheaval? I mean, just look at his level of excitement over the whole Sidecar thing. A little compassion, People. Thirdly, Stephen - please come to our house for dinner. Your surroundings remind me of The Blaire Witch Project. I'm concerned.
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