Day Forty One to Forty Five: Here comes the mud.
***Special Guest Blog entry by E. while the Master Renovator (MR) is working. Also, the commenting has been removed for non-blogspot members. I've been getting tons of blog spam (splog?) so in order to post comments, you'll need to have a membership. We'll see ow that works out.***
Well, faithful readers, as you may have guessed from the dearth of entries, we have been busy doing work rather than blogging.
Big stuff this weekend! We installed the cork floors (thanks to P-town 'rents for their help). We can't show you the entire room as they have already been covered in plastic for the sanding and mudding phase, but here's a closeup:

Also, the rest of the fence and the gate were also completed. This considerably adds to the privacy of the kitchen windows.
Finally, we also completed the first coat of mud. Here's a pic:

You may ask, having seen the picture of the now empty kitchen, where the heck is everything? See for yourself:

Unfortunately, our spirits were not running as high as you would think given this weekend's successes... my (E's) purse was stolen from outside of our house on Friday morning, and so all day that day we were dealing with cancelling accounts, making calls, police reports, getting new ID, etc. Not only was the loss of the wallet/purse and it's contents a major blow, there was the fear of identity theft (they have both E's ID and checkbook) and also that they know where we live (and how much we have in the bank). A serious bummer, not to mention the inconvenience (no cash + no credit cards + no checks = no buying anything). ARRGH.
Tonight, we did, however, have 2 important developments which may get us back into happy renovation mode. First, we met with a home security salesperson, and it looks pretty likely that we will allocation funds to having a hardwired security system installed. Second, MR figured out that we should at least TRY using the hand sander for sanding the mud... and it was FAN-frickin'-TASTIC. Regretfully, it was too loud for the sleeping beauties, but worry not! It takes so much less time than doing it all by hand that we can do it before bedtime tomorrow and still have time to do the second coat of mud. Gotta stay on top of the timeline. HA! that's just plain old funny.
UGHHH. The purse. WOW! The mud! Ahhhh... the floor. Go Dog! Go!
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