Day Thirty Two to Thirty Five: Approved!

All of this means we'll be hanging some drywall this weekend. That and putting some exterior shingles on the back of the house where they put in the new door. Since we're in mid-September, we're tempting fate to leave it uncovered for too long here in the Pacific Northwest. And if you were curious, 13 sheets of drywall are heavy when loading them yourself onto a cart at Home Depot. They're a bit heavier when you're loading them all into your truck by yourself. By the time you get home and unload them into the basement by yourself, they're really quite heavy. But man, now I am so buff. I've found my weight training program.
And in the last post, I talked about Dr. Drey's room... here are some photos so you can check it out. The curtains were custom made by E, and they turned out great. The fabric/pattern is so cool; a beautiful blend of little girl with sophisticated modern design. Still need to paint the window trim, and hang the door trim. Someday...

The futon is not going to remain in this room... it's only living there until the guest room downstairs is finished (maybe sometime this winter?). Also, the crip isn't going to remain in the nook/closet... it will move once the futon is out of the way. Don't tell anybody that our daughter sleeps in a closet.
We should see some major transformations in the kitchen over the weekend with all the drywall hung. Our preliminary schedule has us finishing the kitchen by mid-October... we shall see.
Mid October IF we can stay focused. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the sky.
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal.
There's no I in team (unless you're spelling it in French).
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