Day Eleven: The Inspector.

Today was inspection day. Not only did the inspector find the house, but he arrived early. Apparently this inspector had a better map than the guy on Wednesday. So he arrives, takes 5 minutes to walk through the house, and says everything looks good. That's it. I could be doing shipshod, slapdash work, and it'd probably get approved. Where's the justification for doing quality construction? No wonder craftsmanship is going to pot.
Then this evening it was on to drywalling. All those people who doubted I'd be able to hang the drywall in the new bedroom, tape and apply joint compound... you were right. After pulling out the remaining kitchen outlets, and the old sink, and moving the refrigerator and dishwasher and shelves, and started putting up the drywall, it was late late late (as you can tell from this post time). But I did make pretty good progress. Did the entire side of the wall that will be on the hallway side.
So to all those people out there who were expecting the room to be sheetrocked, taped and joint compound, I'm sorry I let you all down. I just couldn't go on any longer tonight. And for those of you who might not know, I'm heading to the east coast on Monday, then returning with the family in a week. So here's the schedule for the next 2 days plus some.
Saturday: Finish drywalling bedroom. Tape and mud this room, and any other places that can be closed up. Await appliance delivery. Frame kneewall.
Sunday: Get house child safe. If time allows, sand and mud bedroom. Do laundry and pack for trip (sounds like that could be the next blog). Clean this place up a bit.
Monday: Go east. Probably won't be any blog postings as I won't be working on the house. But you never know (about blog postings, I definitely won't be working on the house since I won't be here).
Following Tuesday: Return. Show off the progress to the family.
Following Wednesday: Resume construction and the blog.
Okay, I'm off to bed. And by the way, a big huge enormous thank you to Cynthia for dropping off some delicious dinner for me tonight. And I didn't even eat all the cookies in the box! Oh, and here's a closing image of the current kitchen situation.

First, inspectors have better things to do than spend inordinate amounts of time in houses. The is coffee and a smoke. Snack time and meeting other inspectors at the deli.
Second, you should date your work.
Third, you should ALWAYS start with the cookies.
Have fun.
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