Day Ten: The softer side.
First, let's get down to the progress report. It was mostly an electrical day today. I finished the second counter height outlets, except for the ones that will be on the kneewall between the kitchen and dining room. (photo below)

I ran the electrical for the dishwasher. (photo below)

And I ran the electrcial for the microhood. (photo below)

So the only other electrical is the light above the kitchen sink, and the light above the "island" next to the stove.
The only framing left is to finish the framing around the vent stack in the southwest corner of the kitchen (photo below) and then build the kneewall. I need to wait to get the oven (more on that later) so I can determine where to start building the kneewall.

So on to today's vent. I had received a call from Sears on Tuesday saying the new refrigerator and oven would be delivered Wednesday afternoon. I wasn't going to be home Wednesday afternoon, so I called them and rescheduled it for Friday morning. I specifically said "morning" because I knew I wouldn't be able to be home in the afternoon. So I get my call today and it's for Friday afternoon. Of course I'm a bit ticked off, so I call Sears. The first person (Melissa) says she can't help me, so I ask to speak to a manager. While on hold I get disconnected. I call back and talk to someone else (can't remember her name). She puts me on hold to get a manager and I'm on hold so long I get sent back to the start. So then I get Gabe. By this time, after being disconnected and on hold for a delivery I specifically said I wouldn't be home for, I let Gabe have it. I ask why they would take a preference and then not only schedule a delivery for the exact opposite, but think that was okay. I asked how I could guarantee a morning delivery. He said there wasn't a way. So I said, "you mean I need to keep rescheduling the delivery and hope one time it will come up morning instead of afternoon?" Oh, and they all said once the schedule is determined for delivery, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they can do to move it. they can only reschedule it. At this point I got transferred to Ruth Ann, a manager. I explained my predicament yet again. And how I need to get the appliances. And the stupidity of their delivery scheduling software. So she asks if they can deliver it Saturday. They obviously promote the smart ones to manager. By this point I told them this was just another reminder of why I really hate Sears, and that next time I'll shop at an appliance store that has a bit more flexibility to their delivery system. And the fact that not only could no one help me, but no one but the manager thought to ask if it could be delivered on Saturday.
So the appliances are coming on Saturday. Stupid stupid Sears.
Okay, tomorrow is the inspection of my electrical handiwork, the structural stuff done, and the plumbing. Hopefully they'll find the house this time. Then, it's on to drywalling.

I ran the electrical for the dishwasher. (photo below)

And I ran the electrcial for the microhood. (photo below)

So the only other electrical is the light above the kitchen sink, and the light above the "island" next to the stove.
The only framing left is to finish the framing around the vent stack in the southwest corner of the kitchen (photo below) and then build the kneewall. I need to wait to get the oven (more on that later) so I can determine where to start building the kneewall.

So on to today's vent. I had received a call from Sears on Tuesday saying the new refrigerator and oven would be delivered Wednesday afternoon. I wasn't going to be home Wednesday afternoon, so I called them and rescheduled it for Friday morning. I specifically said "morning" because I knew I wouldn't be able to be home in the afternoon. So I get my call today and it's for Friday afternoon. Of course I'm a bit ticked off, so I call Sears. The first person (Melissa) says she can't help me, so I ask to speak to a manager. While on hold I get disconnected. I call back and talk to someone else (can't remember her name). She puts me on hold to get a manager and I'm on hold so long I get sent back to the start. So then I get Gabe. By this time, after being disconnected and on hold for a delivery I specifically said I wouldn't be home for, I let Gabe have it. I ask why they would take a preference and then not only schedule a delivery for the exact opposite, but think that was okay. I asked how I could guarantee a morning delivery. He said there wasn't a way. So I said, "you mean I need to keep rescheduling the delivery and hope one time it will come up morning instead of afternoon?" Oh, and they all said once the schedule is determined for delivery, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they can do to move it. they can only reschedule it. At this point I got transferred to Ruth Ann, a manager. I explained my predicament yet again. And how I need to get the appliances. And the stupidity of their delivery scheduling software. So she asks if they can deliver it Saturday. They obviously promote the smart ones to manager. By this point I told them this was just another reminder of why I really hate Sears, and that next time I'll shop at an appliance store that has a bit more flexibility to their delivery system. And the fact that not only could no one help me, but no one but the manager thought to ask if it could be delivered on Saturday.
So the appliances are coming on Saturday. Stupid stupid Sears.
Okay, tomorrow is the inspection of my electrical handiwork, the structural stuff done, and the plumbing. Hopefully they'll find the house this time. Then, it's on to drywalling.
Why we keep going back to Sears after THREE ridiculous customer service experiences (microhood, grill, and now this), I guess we'll never know. Gluttons for punishment? Or just cheapskates who always go for the best deal (even though we then pay in aggravation)?
Funny, I had a similar situation last night talking on the phone to the Oregonian. They continue to call, asking for someone they know doesn't live there ("Hello is [insert new weird name here] there?" to get around the "Do Not Call" list we are on.
The person who called last night showed his couth and manners by burping loudly into the phone before he realized that I had said hello twice. I let this guy know that I was fed up with the calls. He assured me that it was an honest mistake (just like the last 4 calls from them). I immediately knew I needed to move up the food chain. Finally after getting a manager I was assured that they would no longer call. Just to be safe (and have a target for my ire) I got the managers name and number.
Gotta love it.
Good luck on Saturday.
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